Suspension of Added Trading Features on PENVESTOR Trading Platform due to Decentralisation.
The administrator of PENVESTOR GLOBAL hereby apologises for its decision to end added Estcon trading extension features which include : Estcon Flipping Trade, Estcon Pool Funds, and Estcon Options.
The suspension of the Estcon trading extensions is due the Decentralisation plan to be facilitated by the Pan-African Transgenerational Network (PATGEN) which runs the Estcon Ecosystem and the PATGEN Wallet.
In accordance to the PATGEN Protocol, the Stable Currency (PTGN) cannot be just created without the equivalent fiat currency backing it up. The Estcon trading extensions do always cause unexpected deviations from the precepts of the PATGEN Protocol leading to unregulated increase in circulating supply of the Stable Currency (PTGN).
The following Estcon trading features obey the Decentralisation rules endorsed by the PATGEN Protocol:
1. Buying and Selling Estate Contracts (ESTCON) – Traders can seamlessly buy and sell any listed Estate Contract .
2. Transfer and Import of Estate Contracts (ESTCON) – Traders can seamlessly transfer any listed Estate Contract to one another.
3. Dividends Allocation: A trader can get proceeds of Dividends declared for the Estate Contract he holds at a time.
4. Estcon Swap: An Estate Contract can be exchanged for another Estate Contract following the price rate of the Estcon pairs.
5. The Stable Currency : You can only trade Estate Contracts with the Stable Currency called PTGN. For exchanging PTGN to your fiat currency, withdraw it from your PENVESTOR Estcon cash balance to your PATGEN WALLET.
This Suspension will take effect on 21st June, 2024 which is the date for the 4th Anniversary of PENVESTOR ESTCON TRADING. From that date, PENVESTOR Estcon Trading Platform ( will be 99% Decentralised. The 1% centralisation is for the management of PENVESTOR in listing ESTATE CONTRACTS and issuing ESTCON DIVIDENDS.