Estcon Flipping Trade (also known as Estcon Flip Staking) is when you lock Estate Contracts for a set period of time to help support the operation of a estcon trading transactions.
In return for flip staking your Estate Contracts, you earn trading profit called Return of Stakes (Flip ROS).
How Does Estcon Flip Staking Work?
If you own minimum amount of an Estate Contract , you are eligible to stake sizes of the estate contracts. Flip Staking locks up your estate contracts to participate and help maintain the estcon trading . In exchange for locking up your estate contracts and participating in the estcon trading transactions, estcon flippers receive Returns on Staking (ROS) – Profit.
If you have any estate contracts, you can delegate how much of your portfolio you want to put up for staking. You choose a period of time for the flipping to be done successfully before execution. One hour extra time is given for you to execute the flip trade otherwise you loose your funds
How To Earn Money in Estcon Flipping Trade?
When you choose an estate contract and size of the contract, it will tell you the leverage available for you to flip in the trade. Penvestor offers a 5%-25% Returns on Stake ( Flip ROS) for any size of contracts traded in the flip.
Simple Analysis: You put 500 SQM of Elon Estcon for Stake Flip. The cost of the Stake flip (Flip Cost) which you are to pay is $50. The flip ROS ranges from 5% to 25% ($2.5 to $12.5) not dependent on the Duration of Flip (DoT).
Once you’ve committed to flip-staking estate contracts, you will receive the flip Return on Stake (Flip ROS) on execution of the flipping trade. The program will pay you the return in dollars ($), which you can use for more flip staking, buy more estate contracts or withdraw to your local bank account.
What Are The Benefits of Estcon Flipping Trade?
Earn passive income: If you don’t plan on selling your estate contracts in the immediate future, flip staking lets you earn passive income. Without flip staking, you would not have generated this income from your estate contracts Investment.
Easy to get started: You can get started with Estcon Flip staking quickly with an estcon trading platform – Penvestor. An estcon broker will guide you better for easy entry into Estcon Flip Staking.
Support Estcon projects you like: Estcon Flip Staking has the added benefit of contributing to the economy of the estate contracts projects you support. By staking some of your funds, you make the estcon to have higher price value at faster rate.
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